Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Susulan Koordinasi

-بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ-

If you are feeling helpless, help someone

Jawaban ditunggu sampai jam 21. 00, Senin, 18 Juni 2012, ke email menikremen@yahoo.co.id atau langsung di blog ini, terimakasih
Choose the correct Answer!
1.       Part of nervous cells that receives impulse is ….
a.       Dendrite
b.      Nucleus
c.       Axon
d.      Neurit
e.      Myelin
2.       Part of the brain  that controls thinking  activity is ….
a.       Cerebellum
b.      Brain stem
c.       Cerebrum
d.      Midbrain
e.      Varole bridge
3.       The impulse pathway in reflex movement is ….
a.       Intermediate neuron-sensory neuron –motor neuron
b.      Motor neuron-intermediate neuron – sensory neuron
c.       Intermediate neuron-motor neuron-sensory neuron
d.      Intermediate neuron-sensory neuron-motor neuron
e.      Sensory neuron- intermediate neuron-motor neuron
4.       Deficiency  of thyroxin hormone will cause ….
a.       Gigantism
b.      Cretinism
c.       Diabetes
d.      Goiter
e.      Morbus basedow
5.       The estrogen,s function which is related to ovulation process is ….
a.       Stimulating follicle in producing progesterone
b.      Stimulating hypophysis to secrete LH
c.       Stimulating corpus luteum to produce progesterone
d.      Stimulating hypophysis to produse FSH
e.      Stimulating hypophysis to produse LH and FSH
6.       The function of hormone produced by langerhands island of pancreas is ….
a.       To break down glycogen into glucose
b.      To increase blood pressure
c.       To maintain blood pH
d.      To accelerate heart beats
e.      To form glucose and glycogen
7.       Look at the following data!
1)      Motor
2)      Sensory
3)      Effector
4)      Central nerves
5)      Response
6)      Stimuli
The correct work pathway of nervous system is …..
a.       6-3-4-2-1-5
b.      6-2-1-5-3-4
c.       6-2-4-1-3-5
d.      5-3-1-2-4-6
e.      5-6-1-4-2-3
8.       One the followings that is not included as nervous cell based on its structure is …
a.       Association
b.      Effector
c.       Motor
d.      Sensory
e.      Mixed
9.       Olfactory nerves have function to control ….
a.       Smell sense
b.      Vision sense
c.       Eye movement
d.      Jaw movement
e.      Neck movement
10.   The one that becomes coordination center of autonomic nerves is ….
a.       Cerebellum
b.      Cerebrum
c.       Pons
d.      Hypothalamus
e.      Medulla oblongata
11.   One of the following that is not included as the hormone secreted by hypophysis glands is …
a.       Thyrotropin
b.      Prolactin
c.       Relaxin
d.      Oxytocin
e.      FSH
12.   Hormone pairs that work in antagonist are ….
a.       Progesterone and androgen
b.      Insulin and glucagon
c.       LH and FSH
d.      Adrenalin and calcitonin
e.      Aldosteron and calcitonin
13.   The following sesnse disorders are not heritable, except ….
a.       Xeropthtalmia
b.      Cataracts
c.       Astigmatism
d.      Myopia
e.      Color blindness
B.Answer the following question briefly and correctly!
1.       Explain the differences between afferent nerves and efferent nerves!
2.       Explain the function of acetylcholine in nervous system!
3.       What do you know about cerebrum and cerebellum!
4.       What is function of hormone for body?
5.       Explain the process of whow we can see things!

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