Minggu, 17 Juni 2012


-بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ-

If you are feeling helpless, help someone

Jawaban ditunggu sampai jam 21. 00, Senin, 18 Juni 2012, ke email menikremen@yahoo.co.id atau langsung di blog ini, terimakasih.
Choose the correct Answer!
1.       The role of liver in digestive organ is …
a.       To store glucose in the form of glycogen
b.       To secrete bile
c.        In amino acid deamination
d.       To detoxificate poison
e.        To break down red blood cells that are already old and damaged
2.       The function of enzyme that is not appropriate with digested food is…


3.       Fiber is not digested by bod, but it has many functions, except ….
a.       To smoothen feces so that constipation can be avoided
b.       To protect body from intestine cancer
c.        To accelerate the production of digestive enzyms
d.       To preserve food is stomach
e.        To stimulate the activity of digestive tract therefore the excretion of feces occurs regulary
4.       The solution used to test protein level in food is ….
a.       Bennedict
b.       Biuret
c.        Lugol
d.       Fehling
e.        Barfoed
5.       The roles of bacteria in digestive tract of ruminantia are, except…
a.       To break down cellulose
b.       To produce vitamin B
c.        To produce vitamin K
d.       To form lipid from cellulose
e.        To synthesize amino acid from urea
6.    The convertion of amilum into maltose by amylase occurs in ….
a.       Pancreas and liver
b.       Pancreas and stomach
c.        Stomach and mouth
d.       Mouth and small intestine
7.     wing are human respiratory organ:
1)       Nose
2)       Trachea
3)       Pharynx
4)       Bronchioles
5)       Alveoli
6)       Bronchi
The correct  sequence  of choose organ is ….
a.       1-2-3-4-6-5
b.       1-3-2-6-4-5
c.        1-2-6-4-5-6
d.       1-3-2-4-6-5
e.        1-5-3-2-6-4
8.     The process of gas exchange between blood liquid and tissue liquid is called ….
a.       Breathing
b.       Aerob respiration
c.        Internal respiration
d.       Anaerob respiration
e.        External respiration

9.     The mechanism of inspiration and  expiration is controlled by ….
a.       Thoracic muscles and abdominal muscles
b.       Diaphragm muscles and internal intercostals muscle
c.        Diaphragm muscles and external intercostals muscles
d.       Abdominal muscles and external internal muscles
e.        Abdominal muscles and diapharagm muscles

10.    Additional air volume that we obtain after doing normal breathing is called ….
a.       Tidal volume
b.       Supplementary volume
c.        Compelementary volume
d.       Residual volume
e.        Vital lung capacity

11.    Respiratory disorder signed by the damage of alveoli wall is called ….
a.       Bronchitis
b.       Pneumonia
c.        Aplasia
d.       Emphysema
e.        Tonsillitis
a.       Neutralizing poison
12.    The color substances in feces and urine are resulted from the oxidation of ….
a.       Billiverdin
b.       Billirubin
c.        Urobilin
d.       Histionin
e.        Vasopressin
13.    The secondary urine formation occurs in the organ with number ….
a.       1
b.       2
c.        3
d.       4
e.        5
14.    The process occurring in number  4 is ….
a.       Filtration
b.       Absorbstion
c.        Reabsorbtion
d.       Augmentation
e.        Urination
15.    The water volume in tubulus distalis is regulated by …. Hormone
a.       ADH
b.       LH
c.        ACTH
d.       FSH
e.        DHA
16.    To make the exretion process of saltwater fish function normally, fish adapt by ….
a.       Secreting a large volume of water from the body
b.       Secreting a small volume of water than fresh water  fish
c.        Drinking more water than freshwater fish
d.       Drinking less water than the freshwater fish
e.        Preventing the exretion of water through hyperosmotic process
20.    Part of nervous cells that receives impulse is ….
a.       Dendrite
b.       Nucleus
c.        Axon
d.       Neurit
e.        Myelin
21.    Part of the brain  that controls thinking  activity is ….
a.       Cerebellum
b.       Brain stem
c.        Cerebrum
d.       Midbrain
e.        Varole bridge
22.    The impulse pathway in reflex movement is ….
a.       Intermediate neuron-sensory neuron –motor neuron
b.       Motor neuron-intermediate neuron – sensory neuron
c.        Intermediate neuron-motor neuron-sensory neuron
d.       Intermediate neuron-sensory neuron-motor neuron
e.        Sensory neuron- intermediate neuron-motor neuron
23.    Deficiency  of thyroxin hormone will cause ….
a.       Gigantism
b.       Cretinism
c.        Diabetes
d.       Goiter
e.        Morbus basedow
24.    The estrogen,s function which is related to ovulation process is ….
a.       Stimulating follicle in producing progesterone
b.       Stimulating hypophysis to secrete LH
c.        Stimulating corpus luteum to produce progesterone
d.       Stimulating hypophysis to produse FSH
e.        Stimulating hypophysis to produse LH and FSH
25.    The function of hormone produced by langerhands island of pancreas is ….
a.       To break down glycogen into glucose
b.       To increase blood pressure
c.        To maintain blood pH
d.       To accelerate heart beats
e.        To form glucose and glycogen
26.    Hormone pairs that work in antagonist are ….
a.       Progesterone and androgen
b.       Insulin and glucagon
c.        LH and FSH
d.       Adrenalin and calcitonin
e.        Aldosteron and calcitonin

27.    The following sesnse disorders are not heritable, except ….
a.       Xeropthtalmia
b.       Cataracts
c.        Astigmatism
d.       Myopia
e.        Color blindness
29.    The passage of ovum since it is formed until becoming an embryo is …
a.       Ovary-fallopian tube-uterus
b.       Ovary-uterus-fallopian tube
c.        Ovary-vagina-uterus
d.       Fallopian tube –vagina-uterus
e.        Vagina-ovaryuterus
30.    A passage where sperm duct meets the uninary duct is ….
a.       Prostate
b.       Epididymis
c.        Urethra
d.       Ureter
e.        Penis
31.    Spermatogenesis occurs within ….
a.       Urethra
b.       Epidiymis
c.        Vas deferens
d.       Seminal vesicle
e.        Seminiferous tubules
32.    The process of egg cell realese from mature follicle is called ….
a.       Fertilization
b.       Oculation
c.        Menstruation
d.       Ovulation
e.        Copulation
33.    The release of egg cell from ovary follicle is influenced by …. Hormone.
a.       FSH
b.       estrogen
c.        progesterone
d.       LH
e.        HCG
34.    Hormone from hypothalamus which functions as stimulator of mother,s milk secretion is …
a.       Oxytocin
b.       Vasopressin
c.        Prolactin
d.       Estrogen
e.        Progesterone
35.    The one which is included in hormonal contraception is ….
a.       IUD
b.       Pill
c.        Diaphragm
d.       Condom
e.        Vasectomy
36.    One of the followings that is not referred to phagocytosis is ….
a.          Neutrophil
b.          Lymphocyte
c.           Stem cell
d.          Macrophage cell
e.           Lymphocyte T
37.    The correct statement about vaccine is ….
a.    Similar with monoclonal antibody
b.    Having short-term active protection
c.     A modification of bacteria /virus that stimulates body’s immunity
d.    A MHC protein
e.     Able to kill all diseases caused by virus
38.    When our body is attacted by a disease, the first body defense against the attack is  conducted by ….
a.       Leukocyte
b.       Agglutinin
c.        Skin
d.       Mucus from mucosa glands
e.        Agglutinogen
39.    Cell that undergoes development process in bone marrow is ….
a.       T cell
b.       Helper T cell
c.        Killer T cell
d.       Assistance T cell
e.        B cell
40.    AIDS is an immunity disease that attacks ….
a.       T cell killer
b.       T cell helper
c.        Macrophage
d.       B cell
e.        Neutrofil

2 komentar:

ini jadinya siapa aja yg remidi? kok remidi angela maksutnya?

Maksudnya, angela ipa8 kurang tugas, trus ini pengganti tugasnya, klo nggak ada informasi remidi , berarti nilainya dah memenuhi. terimakasih

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