Sistem Gerak

Move buddy! Let's dance! Let your muscles working for you. They make form of your body, keep you stand, and support you until the very end. Believe it!

Sistem Sirkulasi

Yes. Your lungs are breathing. It's your heart beating. Your blood stream, either the red one or the white one, just keep eye on them!


Small unseen things may harm you everywhere everytime! Don't lose any eye on them! Keep learn and stay out of their territory!

Sistem Koordinasi

Find out more and more about 'the most complex thing' inside human body!


Hitachi Projector gives you everything you need in audio visual. It solves your problems using its latest most modern technology. It offers more types in case to fulfill your needs in audio visual technology

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

SOAL ULANGAN SUSULAN SMA MUH 3 Yk 1. Sebutkan tiga jaringan yang terdapat pada tumbuhan, dan jelaskan fungsinya masing2. 2. Jelaskan struktur penampang melintang dikotil ! 3. Jelaskan perbedaan penyusun jaringan antara batang monokotil dan batang dikotil. 4. Jelaskan sel-sel yang terdapat dalam xilem dan floem. 5. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan totipotensi? 6. Jelaskan setiap tahapan dalam kultur jaringan pada gambar berikut ini. 7. Gambarlah struktur penampang melintang daun!